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Housing Corps 5/19/24

SN-DCR Alumni Open House THIS SATURDAY!!!


THIS SATURDAY at 1PM we are excited to welcome you back home! Feel free to bring a significant other, hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided.

Please reach out to me directly ( if there are any questions, and I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Gary Zahn
Saturday August 6th - 1PM EST
The House
1570 Flushing Rd.
Flushing, MI 48433

SN-DCR Alumni Open House - August 6th

It is my distinct pleasure to invite you to our Alumni Open House and Celebration on Saturday, August 6th at 1PM EST!

Saturday, August 6, 2022 - 1:00pm
Event Location: 
The House
1570 Flushing Rd
48433 Flushing , MI

House Rebuild Merchandise Campaign

We're finally ready to start up the Merchandise part of the House Rebuild Fundraising Campaign!

Below are a variety of items you can purchase for yourself or your loved ones to directly support our mission to provide the best house possible for the Active Chapter. 


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