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April 2017 window replacement update

The current balance in our project funds is $4150 as of 5/1/17, thanks Bob Mott DXP58 and HM070 for your contribution.  Our goal is still $50,000 and we need $15,000 to do the first phase.



Tom Plotkowski

HM 297

Send checks made out to "Sigma NU" to me at

6544 Montgomery Dr., Shelby Township, MI 48316



March 2017 Window project update

The current balance in our project fund is $3650 as of 3/30/17, thanks Paul Balle HM 003 for your contribution.  Our goal is still $50,000 and we need $15,000 to do the first phase.


Feb. 2017 Window project update

The current balance in our project fund is $3500 as of 2/28/17, thanks Andy Giacobone HM 429 for your contribution.  Our goal is still $50,000 and we need $15,000 to do the first phase.


We are off to a slow start but ask all brothers to remember us as they receive their tax return for 2016.  We need all the dollars we can get.

Remember we have 71 windows and 9 doors to replace in total.



HM297, 2ski, Tom Plotkowski



Housing Corporation Capital Project - Window Replacement

At our 2016 Delta Chi Rho reunion one of the Sigma Nu actives remarked to one of the brothers that the fraternity house was cold and drafty and the utility bills were high. The remark fell on sympathetic ears resulting in an idea to start a fund raising project to help out the youngsters who have no idea how hot or cold that attic dormitory was back in the day before air conditioning and any form of heat in attic other than what the warm bodies were generating. Youngsters today for the most part have no clue what roughing it was like! Remember walking down 3rd Ave wagging a drafting board in one hand and a brief case full of text books in the other in sub-zero temperatures?  Thanks N. Whitty for these words .

Donate Now

Story by DXP Member Dale Johnson

I was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1936 and attended Catholic schools in St. Louis, MO through high school. I attended Christian Brothers College (CBC), which is a military high school and graduated from there in 1953.  While practicing for graduation, class members were discussing where they were going to college, and someone mentioned GMI.  I had no idea what that was.  I questioned him further and learned it was a General Motor’s college in Flint, MI.

Kettering Relay For Life

Good Afternoon Brothers,

Every year, our chapter joins the fight for cancer by getting involved with the Kettering University Relay for Life. Many of us have family and friends that have been affected by this disease, and with your help, we can make an impact in putting an end to it. We extend our sincerest gratitude to anybody who is willing to help us reach our goal of $2000.


Click here to see the donations page.


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