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2015-2016 Chapter Positions

For the 2015-2016 academic year, the chapter roster is:
EC - Jentry Malek
LC - Jeremy Fick
Treasurer - Gary Zahn
Recorder - Kyle Fagan
Marshall - Paul Townsend
Chaplian - John McNally
Recruitment Co-chairmen - Kyle Fagan & John McNally
Sentinel - Josh Thelen
Risk Reduction Chairman - Gary Zahn
House Manager - Kyle Bristoll
Social Chairman - Jeremy Fick
LEAD Chairman - Kevin Strauch
Philanthropy - Jentry Malek
Scholarship Chairman - Paul Townsend
Steward - Michael Witt

Eta Mu Winter 2015 Initiation

Eta Mu Winter 2015 Initiation Class

For the Winter 2015 Initiation Class, we welcome John McNally, Josh Thelen, Shanti Witt, Alex Johnson, and Kyle Bristoll to the brotherhood of Sigma Nu.

Winter Initiation

Brothers, the active members of Sigma Nu A-Section invites you to the initiation of:

Kyle Bristol

Josh Thelen

Alex Johnson

Michael Witt

John McNally

Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 1:00pm
Event Location: 
Sigma Nu House
1570 Flushing Rd.
48329 Flushing , MI


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