The 60th Anniversary Followup


I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who was able to make it out to the 60th! With the help of Nel Whitty, we had a great turnout of Delta Chi Rho members and we had representatives present from every decade! Besides the cool weather, I think everyone had a good time!

We heard speeches from Bob Borcherts (DXP, c/o 57’), Nel Whitty (DXP, c/o 57’), Bob Mott (DXP, HM70, c/o 64’), and John Kossel (DXP, HM1, c/o 64’). A touching tribute from Bob Masterson (DXP, c/o 57’) was given about the late Harry Erik Nordin (DXP, c/o 57’)

Reports about the state of the Fraternity were given by Jentry Malek (HM673, A-Section Commander); the Housing Corporation report was given by Kevin Marion (HM642, President); and the Alumni Association report was given by myself, Joel Hudson (HM617, Worthy Commander).

The annual Alumni Association meeting was held with discussions ranging from continued growth of Alumni communication and the future status of B-Section.

It was mentioned that we are waiting on some feedback from Sigma Nu National about the idea of merging the two sections back into one single Eta Mu Chapter. We should have some more of an idea this week about what the next steps will be.

The Alumni Association also held elections for some positions on the executive board. Please offer congratulations to Ian Baxter (HM676, c/o 15’) for Worthy Lt. Commander, Jim Hutchinson (HM659, c/o 13’) for Worthy Treasurer, and Ryan Hetzer (HM639, c/o 13’) and Jim Strader (HM99, c/o 68’) for co-Worthy Secretary.

Lastly, there are many thanks for putting on this event.  In particular, thanks to:

Bob and Marge Mott for their work on organizing and collecting legacy stories of the Delta Chi Rho fraternity charter members as well as welcome packets for all those who showed up.

Nel Whitty for contacting and organizing the DXP members, resulting in a high turnout of the early founding members.

Jentry Malek and the rest of the A-Section students for their help with setting up the event and making sure the house was ready.

Diane Schuler and Katrina Martin for photographing the event! (Photos to follow).


Jim Strader put together a nice site for the 60th below:

Group photo
Bob Mott giving his speech
John Kossel, Paul "Duke" Balle and Larry Virtue (?)
Bob Masterson, Ed Arends and Alex Johnson
Talking at the top of the stairs
Meetings moved inside


Click on the link to see pictures of the house, grounds, and most importantly the people who attended the 60th Anniversary of the founding of our fraternity.

Delta Chi Rho / Sigma Nu 60th Anniversary Slide Show 

Jim Strader

We would like to extend a special thank you to Diane Schuler from Schuler Photography, LLC for taking some great pictures for us. Check out her website at

Thank you !

Delta Chi Rho / Sigma Nu


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