The Sigma Nu house is located on a beautiful six acre estate property in the safe, small town of Flushing. It is a stable community with quality residential neighborhoods, good schools, a vibrant downtown, parks, and convenient access to the I-75/23 corridor.
Driving between the grand stone entrance pillars affords a great view of the house fronted by a large circular driveway, flanked by an expansive, manicured lawn with majestic trees, a pond and situated high above the scenic Flint River. Amenities include a large wrap-around patio deck, and a sand volleyball court. Just below the house is a large stone fireplace picnic area with a great view of the river. The front door opens into a large foyer complimented with a solid natural wood staircase to the upper story. The interior includes a living room with fireplace and comfortable overstuffed sofas, sunny solarium, trophy room, great dining room with adjacent fully equipped kitchen, and a lower level recreation room. There are many unique and colorfully decorated study rooms offering a variety of accomodations.
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