Time |
Event |
Food/Drink |
10:00 AM |
Start of Alumni arrival
Tours of the house by the active members
Light breakfast foods
12:00 PM |
Official start
Opening Speeches (Honored members)
State of the Alumni (Joel Hudson, Worthy Commander), including the Annual meeting.
1:00 PM |
Pause for Lunch
Catered Lunch
2:00 PM |
Speeches resume
State of the Housing Corporation (Kevin Marion, President), including the Annual meeting.
State of the Fraternity (Jentry Malek, A-Section Commander)
3:00 PM |
Official end
Tours of the house resume.
Alumni Members can mingle and catch up.
Music playing.
5:00 PM + |
Alumni can decide on a bar or two to continue catching up, otherwise the event is over.
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