Usually my messages lack personality and are straight to the point (you can thank my dry automotive engineering career for that). Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. This generally gets the point across, but for the 60th, it might need more than that…
I would like to take a moment to reach out to the Delta Chi Rho and Sigma Nu Eta Mu members and let you all know that on behalf of the Alumni Association, the Housing Corporation and Collegiate Members- we want to see you, we want to reminisce about the good times, maybe cry about the bad, but bottom line; we want to hear your stories…
The house standing at 1570 Flushing Road is a culmination of your experiences, your choices; it is of you. Through the past 60 years, the house has echoed the tradition and personality of those who have stood in it, who stand in it today, and who will ever stand in it in the future. We all share common bonds of friendship, comradery, service, honor, truth and love.
A lot of planning has gone into the preparation for the 60th. While the event will happen, it’s really not worthwhile unless you are there.
The deadline to RSVP for the 60th is August 21st (2 weeks!). The online RSVP form is simple and easy, and you don’t need to register for a login on the site to RSVP.
For the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How:
Who: Delta Chi Rho Alumni, Sigma Nu Alumni, Sigma Nu Collegiate Members and all Significant Others.
There will be food, drink, music, speeches, house tours and stories told.
Topics for speeches will include history, current state of affairs and what lies ahead in the future. So far, here are the speakers we have lined up:
Bob Borcherts (DXP, Class of 1957)
John Kossel (DXP, HM 1, Class of 1964)
Robert Mott (DXP, HM 70, Class of 1962)
Neldon “Nel” Whitty (DXP, Class of 1957)
Jentry Malek (HM 673, current collegiate A-Section Commander)
Kevin Marion (HM 642, current Housing Corporation President)
Joel Hudson (HM 617, current Worthy Commander of the Alumni Association)
When: Saturday, September 12, 2015. Arrival between 10:00 AM and Noon, event ending at 5:00 PM
Where: The Fraternity house; 1570 Flushing Road, Flushing, MI 48433
Why: To see the house. To share experiences. To remember the history. To understand the future.
How: Volunteers preparing the event and you showing up.
I look forward and hope to see many Brothers in Flushing on September 12th.
Thank you,
Joel Hudson
Worthy Commander
HM 617
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